PN Podcast

Episode 28 - Millie Holloman and Emily Klinefelter Part 1

In Episode 28 we chat with Millie Holloman and Emily Klinefelter and hear their stories of fostering and adopting children. These two are doing great ministry and have a lot to say to encourage us all. Marcy and Sass also talk about upcoming spring events in the network.

Listen below on Sound Cloud. or click here to subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

Episode 12 - Geoff Banks

Episode 12 - Geoff Banks

We're excited about our latest Parent Network Podcast where we take a different slant and interview a child instead of a parent.  Now, he's not a "child" but he does have parents.  Geoff Banks leads the high school ministry at PC3 and has a powerful story of how his parents helped him to navigate a tough time in his life.  You'll get several great tips for how you can help your kids as they travel on their journey.